New launching from India ??????????????????
?????? ????
Registration starts from 1st of August
Id top up starts from 5th of August
Total Income 2,30,00,000₹ plus
YouTube video
? (1) Direct Refer Income
? (2) Level Income
? (3) Royalty Club
? (4) Non Working Autopool
? (5) Rapido Club
? (6) Recycle Direct Income
? (7) Activation Cashback
??Sponsor ID??
➡️ Direct Income
*First Direct____ 80₹
*Second Direct ____100₹
*Third Direct _____120₹
*Fourth Direct ___150₹
*Fifth Direct and onward _200₹?
➡️ Level Income
*⃣ 1st level income __12₹
*⃣ 2nd level income __8₹
*⃣ 3rd level income___ 6₹
*⃣ 4th to 8th level income 4₹
*⃣ 9th to 15th level income 2₹
*On first direct Level Income upto 3,
On second direct Level Income upto 6,
On third direct Level Income upto 9,
On fourth direct Level Income upto 12 and
On fifth direct Level Income upto 15 will be unlocked*
➡️ Royalty Club
Appoint 5 direct and down team of 25 Members within a week of activation of your ID
Rs 50₹ from every ID will be collected and distributed among Royalty Club Achievers everyday
In Royalty Club you can get 10000₹ after that Your ID will be out from this club
➡️ Non Working Income
Non Working Income is auto filling 2×2 matrix 3 Level Auto Pool
There are total 10 pools
First Pool 760₹
Second Pool 2280₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Third Pool 6840₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Fourth Pool 20520₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Fifth Pool 61560₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Sixth Pool 184680₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Seventh Pool 554040₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Eight Pool 1662120₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Ninth Pool 4986360₹ (2 directs needed to start this pool)
Tenth Pool 14959080₹ (5 directs needed to start this pool)
Total non working income 2,23,85,730₹
➡️ Rapido Club Income
After 3 directs ID will automatically enter to Rapido Club
When your first slab completes 2×2 matrix with 2 levels you will get 200₹ and Your ID will go to next slab and there are total 8 slabs (Total 1600₹ Income)
After that you ID will be out from this club.
➡️ Recycle Direct Rapido Income
You will get 30₹ from your sponsor on his Rapido Club Completion everytime
➡️Activation Cashback
Get 20₹ on activation of ID from your account
Contact:- 7740002886
?Rules and regulations:-
➡️1. Maximum 6 ID from one mobile number
➡️2. There will be deduction of 10% on every income
➡️3. 2 Directs needed to give a start to 2nd to 9th autopool everytime and 5 directs to give a start in 10th autopool
➡️4. No directs is required for Income Transfer
➡️5. Minimum withdrawal 300₹ and multiple of 100₹
➡️6. Withdrawal timing 11am to 4pm daily (Sunday Off) IMPS transfer
➡️7. Payout will be transferred through IMPS with processing fee of 15₹
Contact for joining